Творец каждому Человеку дал Свободу воли. Воля и разум каждого Человека нИприкосновенны! The Creator gave each Person free will. The will and mind of every Human being are inviolable! | Нарушители Свободы воли Человека понесут наказание до 7 колена своего Рода! Violators of the free will of Man will be punished to the tribe of 7 of its Kind! |
Миссия "Международной Ассоциации Суверенных Субъектов"наладить Диалог между Мужчинами и ЖенЧинами, между народами! | The mission of the "International Association of Sovereign Subjects" is to establish a Dialogue between Men and Women, between peoples! |
Договор публичной оферты с Таль Агмон
This Document was drawn up in the __________________________________________________
__°___'___'' North latitude, ___°____'____'' East longitude
on _____________________, 2022/summer 7531, GMT 12:00, time zone UTF+__
This Public Offer Contract on the cost of own communication time within any legal relations with the Living (Live-Born) Sovereign , Human, Man, with a name in own: © Alon, Beneficiary/Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi.
1.0.This Contract is a public offer of a Living (live-born)Human, Sovereign, Man, who owns the following names: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, father a Living Human, a Man with the name © Tal Agmon, Mother © Meri, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor" under this agreement (passport data hidden, all rights reserved), e-mail: Alonadabi07@gmail.com , phone: +054-7631003, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor.
1.1.The Statute of the Living Sovereign Human, Man with a name in own:© Alon, Beneficiary, Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, is confirmed by the document drawn up by the «International Association of Sovereign Subjects» in accordance with the normative legal regulations (Form January 01, 2018), entitled ‘Self-Identification, Self-Determination and Recognition of the Own Legal Personality’, in accordance with Article 6 of the «Universal Declaration of Human Rights», adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states that ‘Everyone has the right to recognition of his legal personality’, as well as:
Article 15.1. of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states that ‘Everyone has the right to a citizenship’;
Article 15.2. of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states that ‘No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his citizenship nor denied the right to change his citizenship’.
Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states that ‘Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly…
Article 28 of the «Universal Declaration of Human Rights», adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states that ‘Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.’
The following terms used in this Offer have the following meanings:
a) ‘Offer’ (this document) is a Public Offer Contract for the provision of consulting, information and other services, according to which one party (the Contractor) shall provide consulting, information and other services, including: services for the provision of intellectual property, author’s opinion, and the Contractor’s personal life time, without limitation, to the other party, i.e. the Consumer, and the Consumer shall accept the service and pay for it in the amount (price) established in this Offer.
b) ‘Offer Acceptance’ is full and irrevocable acceptance of this Offer by performing the actions set forth in this Contract. Offer Acceptance involves the conclusion of a Public Offer Contract at the Consumer’s initiative.
c) ‘Public Offer Contract’ is this Contract concluded between the Consumer and the Contractor by accepting this contract.
d) ‘Offerer’ is the Contractor under this Contract, that is theLiving Sovereign Human, Man, Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", who made this written offer to the acceptor about the intention to conclude a contract with it for the provision of the Services on a paid basis.
e) ‘Consumer’ is the Offer Acceptor, i.e. an individual and/or a legal entity, public and / or commercial organization, including those publicly acting as and /or on behalf of a state organization, entered in the Register https://upik.de and other similar registries, who made a written and/or oral offer and accepted the Offer by performing the actions described in this Offer Contract. The Consumer may also be any employee, officer or authorized person of an individual or legal entity or organization, who has independently taken over (without a power of attorney) or received the right to act on behalf or on instructions of an individual or legal entity or organization, that is, a person having a power of attorney from the General Director of a public and/or commercial organization, including those that publicly act as or on behalf of a ‘state’ organization registered in the Register https://upik.de and other similar registries;
f) ‘Contractor’s Service (Services)’is a consultation and/or information of the Contractor and/or an explanation of financial or other issues to the Consumers, drawing up an author’s opinion, reading postal, telegraph, electronic, and payment documents, as well as other correspondence of the Consumer;
h) ‘Legal Relations’ implied in this Contract are the relations between a Living Human, Sovereign, Man, Beneficiary, Owner of persons and any individual and/or civil person/persons authorized orally or in writing to communicate or enter into any contractual relations on behalf of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (-ies), public or other organizations, without a written, reliable and voluntary consent, informed about all the consequences of entering into such legal relations, of the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, to such relations
j) The consent should be obtained and drawn up in writing in advance and be valid, not revoked.
k) If an earlier consent was revoked and a written notification thereof was sent by e-mail or in another way convenient for the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, but the Consumer continues to act, oppose or be inactive forcing the Contractor to have legal relations with the Consumer, then such actions are recognized as ‘acceptance’. The Consumer accepts this Offer Contract and pays for the Contractor’s services, according to the prices specified in paragraphs 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
l) The use of personal data belonging to the Contractor as a Beneficiary and Recipient without a written consent valid at the time of the occurrence of legal relations, means acceptance of this Contract and is also subject to payment for the Contractor’s services, according to the prices specified in paragraphs 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
1.5. The Contract enters into force when acceptance is received from any stakeholder, company, public and/or commercial organization, including those that publicly act as or on behalf of a ‘state’ organization entered into the Register https://upik.de, which expressly or indirectly wishes to enter into any legal relations, which made a written and/or oral offer to the Contractor about the intention to conclude a contract therewith, or to receive services from the Contractor without a contract, or whose actions or inaction forces the Contractor to enter into correspondence with the Consumer who received this Public Offer, on the conditions set forth below.
1.6. Any stakeholder mentioned in this Contract means any person regardless of gender, race, citizenship, religious and other beliefs, social status, official status, legal status, skin color or other equal conditions, who has the mind, also theoretically, hereinafter referred to as the Consumer.
1.7. The Contractor offers a conclusion of a contract for the provision of consulting and information services, namely:
1.8. phone consulting;
1.9. phone listening to various information that the Contractor did not request;
1.10. reading letters, text messages, telegrams and other documents;
1.11. services for the provision of intellectual labor (study, review of documents, preparation of answers, etc.);
1.12. services for the preparation of an author’s opinion;
1.13. provision of commercial information;
1.14. other services.
2. Proper acceptance of this Offer shall be considered the following actions taken by the Consumer:
2.1. manifestation of any initiative that forces the Contractor to enter into legal relations that the Contractor did not request, or if any action or inaction of the Consumer forces the Contractor to enter into correspondence, phone conversations or other types of interaction. Forced interaction means any actions of the Consumer that affect the Contractor’s Natural Rights, the Contractor’s personal life time and civil rights that the Contractor is guided by;
2.2. receipt of this Offer by the Consumer;
2.3. sending postal, telegraphic, electronic or other correspondence to the Contractor both by e-mail and to postal addresses registered to one of the person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, Beneficiary/The Owner of which is a Living Human, a Man, a Sovereign, with the name © Alon, as well as:
2.4. phone calls to the Contractor’s numbers registered for the Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi;
2.5. other actions that directly affect personal life time, health, and natural rights of the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi;
2.6. From the moment of receipt of postal, electronic, telegraph, phone or any other message that imitates a payment message, a court message, a tax message or any other correspondence by the Contractor, received personally or put into the Contractor’s mailbox, also by passing the postal service, as well as from the moment the Consumer is duly notified, at least 24 hours in advance, in writing, via e-mail or any social network, personal message or commonly used communication programs, for example, skype, whatsApp, telegram, viber, facebook, Vkontakte, etc.
2.7. In case of performing the above actions, this Public Offer Contract for the provision of consulting and/or information and other services shall be considered concluded between the Contractor and the Consumer.
3.1. The Contractor shall provide consulting, information services, services for the preparation of an author’s opinion on financial or other issues that it is forced to provide to the Consumer in connection with the affected interests and/or rights under the Contractor’s Natural or Civil Right. The services shall be provided by the Contractor to the Consumer by phone, post, e-mail, as well as by receiving postal, telegraph and/or other correspondence from the Consumer. The Contractor shall notify the Consumer on the acceptance of this Offer in any way convenient for the Contractor.
3.2. The above services shall be provided by the Contractor on the following paid basis:
3.2.1. The cost of individual time of communication of the Living Human, Sovereign, Man, who owns the following names: © Alon,Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, with a person who explicitly or indirectly wishes to enter into any legal relations with the Contractor shall be calculated as follows: one minute of personal time equals to 505 271(five hundred and five thousand two hundred and seventy-one) Soviet ruble (SUR), at the rate of the State Bank of the USSR, secured by 0.98 grams of gold for one (1)minute of personal time of the Contractor who spent it on:
a) phone listening to any information from the Consumer that the Contractor did not request;
b) reading postal, telegraph, electronic or other message from the Consumer;
c) meeting with the Consumer, organized at the Consumer’s request that is beyond the Contractor’s personal interests;
d) other waste of the Contractor’s personal life time, caused by the Consumer’s actions.
e) the time counting shall start after the notification of the Consumer in any form that can be used as a notification (letter sent by mail, e-mail, video message, audio file message, as well as any message pronounced verbally in the presence of witnesses, or any other message).
3.2.2. 10,000,000 (ten million) Soviet rubles, secured by 0.98 grams of gold, for the preparation of an author's opinion, Protest Notes, Demands and other forms of the Contractor’s will in response to the actions, inaction or opposition of the Consumer, who forced the Contractor to enter into any legal relations, including for the use of the Contractor's personal data without its written and oral consent, with witnesses approved by the Contractor, as well as for the use of terms and definitions in relation to the Contractor, to which the Contractor did not give its consent.
3.3. The Services are considered rendered by the Contractor to any Consumer who has accepted this Public Offer, including upon completion of the preparation of the Contractor’s author’s opinion in the messages sent at the Consumer’s initiative, or upon phone listening or reading by the Contractor of postal, telegraph, electronic or other messages of the Consumer, according to a written, video or audio record, with the help of witnesses, proving the waste of Contractor’s individual life time.
3.3.1. If the Contractor, in response to the services rendered to the Consumer, according to paragraph 3.2.1 a, b, c, d, made an author’s opinion, the service is considered doubly provided on the terms of this Public Offer and should be paid by the Consumer in the amounts set forth in paragraphs 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
3.4. The Parties shall recognize as Offer Acceptance any appeal of the Consumer to the Contractor personally or at the Contractor’s phone number, or via social networks, communication software specified in paragraph 2.6., at postal address or mail box rent by the Contractor, or by e-mail, by any employee of the Consumer acting under a power of attorneyand/or without it, that is, acting on behalf and in the interests of the Consumer, or by the Consumer itself acting in its own interests.
3.5. Consumer’s obligations to pay the Contractor for any Service arise the next day after the provision of the Service.
3.6. The provision of the Services to the Consumer shall be confirmed by acts of work performed on the preparation of an author’s opinion, as well as on phone listening, reading postal, telegraph and other messages / correspondence from the Consumer to the Contractor, specifying the name of correspondence.
4. Payment procedure
4.1. Within 30 days upon the provision of the Services, the Contractor shall draw up an Act of Work Performed / Services Rendered and an invoice containing information on the type, date and time of the service provision, with a calculation of the service cost.
4.2. The Consumer shall pay the services of the Contractor according to the details, timing and procedure specified in the Act of Services Rendered.
5.1. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of the Service rendered and does not guarantee the reliability of the information transmitted to the Consumer, nor careful study of the information received in a postal, telegraph or other Consumer’s message, as it performs actions in its own interests that are not prohibited by the current legislation of the country of the Contractor’s location.
5.2. The Consumer guarantees timely payment of the Contractor’s services. Should the services rendered not be paid by the Consumer within the timeframe established in the Act of Services Rendered, with the issuance of an invoice, the services shall be considered accepted and provided on the terms of a commercial loan in the form of payment by installments with the accrual of 1% loan penalty for each day of using the loan from the date of receipt by the Consumer of the Act of Services Rendered and until the moment of their full payment.
5.3. The results of any intellectual activity and means of individualization or self-identification of the Contractor, including Contractor’s personal data that are the subject of the Contractor’s exclusive rights, can be used by the Consumer through third parties only with the written consent of the Contractor.
5.4. The Contractor’s commercial information is any information that has real or potential value due to the fact that it is unknown to third parties, to which there is no legal access and the owner of which takes measures to protect its confidentiality.
5.5. By accepting this Offer, the Parties express their consent to the use and distribution of materials, personal and other data by the Consumer, including the use of these data as evidence in settling disputes in courts.
5.6. The accepting person shall comply with the terms of this Contract during its entire validity period.
5.7. Any implicit response of a stakeholder, sent to the Living (live-born) Human, Sovereign, Man, who owns the following name: © Alon, Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, will mean his consent to the terms of this agreement
5.8. In order to protect the rights of the Parties to this Contract, the stakeholder (Consumer) is entitled to hire at its own expense a qualified expert for the explanation of the terms of this Contract. In this Contract, ‘Qualified Expert’ means a specialist in legal relations established by the status (statute) of a living Sovereign Human, established by the Decree No. 7 of January 30, 2016 of the VECHE of Ancient Rus ‘On the establishment of social statuses on the Rus land and their significance’.
5.8.1. The services rendered by the Qualified Expert shall be paid from the stakeholder’s (Consumer’s) personal funds.
5.8.2. The cost and the payment procedure between the stakeholder and the Qualified Expert shall be established by the Qualified Expert.
5.8.3. In order to prevent infection of the Human Sovereign, Man, who has the following names in her property: ©Alon, with any disease, or in order to prevent any other harmful effects or actions, the stakeholder (Consumer) and the Qualified Expert shall provide all permits from the relevant institutions, including medical ones, which the Contractor will specify, or having a valid license for the right to perform such examinations, with the attachment of copies of diplomas and the list of doctors passed.
The list of doctors required to pass is given in Annex 1 to this Contract.
5.9. At the request of the stakeholder (Contractor) or the Qualified Expert, the Human Sovereign, Man, who owns the following names: © Alon , Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, has the right to provide extra services at the rate of one hundred grams of pure palladium per one second of personal time.
5.9.1. The list of extra services that may be rendered by the Human Sovereign, Man, who owns the following names: ©Alon , Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, is given in Annex 2 to this Contract.
5.9.2. Any implicit request shall be considered an explicit request.
5.9.3. Any lost personal gain or any other personal gain of the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following names: © Alon , Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, which could be received by her in return for the personal communication time spent for a stakeholder shall be paid by the stakeholder (Consumer) at the rate of ten grams of pure titanium for one second of personal time.
6.1. The tax agent under this Contract shall be the Consumer.
6.2. The validity period of this Public Offer is from July 07, 2022 / summer 7531, without time limitation.
6.3. All disputes, controversies or claims arising out of this Contract or in connection therewith, including those related to its conclusion, amending, performance, violation, termination, dissolution or validity, are subject to consideration in the International Court of Justice or at the location of the Contractor.
6.4. Disputes under this Contract may be referred to the International Court only after payment of at least 50% of the amount payable to the Contractor under this Contract.
6.5. Counting of time of stay of the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following names: © Alon , Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi, in the International Court of Justice starts from the moment of opening of the hearings on a claim for disagreement with the terms of this Contract, filed by a stakeholder (Consumer) or by a representative of the Consumer against the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following names: © Alon, Beneficiary and Owner of the following person: © Alon-Hai Аdabi.
6.6. Taking into account the fact that the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal , Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, father © Аriye surname © Agmon by father's genus, Mother © Solamit Levekovitz , © Agmon Tal, © AGMON TAL, does not possess any special knowledge in law, personal time spent for preparing for a trial, as well as for searching of and paying for the services of a representative in order to protect the interests of the Living Sovereign Human, Female, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal , Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, father © Аriye surname © Agmon by father's genus, Mother © Solamit Levekovitz , © Agmon Tal, © AGMON TAL, in the International Court of Justice shall be paid by the stakeholder at the rate of one gram of pure iridium for one second of own time.
6.7. The Parties to this Contract have agreed that the amounts due to the Contractor, the Contractor’s representative or the Qualified Expert can be paid in precious stones at the rate of the Moscow International Currency Exchange by converting the amounts due into their equivalents in carats of precious stones.
6.8. Collection services for the protection of payments due to the Contractor under this Contract shall be paid by the stakeholder (Consumer) at the rate of one gram of pure iridium for one second of the time spent for the collection service.
The collection service time shall be calculated in seconds, rounded up to the nearest second in accordance with the international SI system.
6.9. E-mail or legal address of the accepting person (Consumer) shall be recognized by the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal , Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, father © Аriye surname © Agmon by father's genus, Mother © Solamit Levekovitz , © Agmon Tal, © AGMON TAL, as the address of the person to which this Offer Contract is sent to inform the person about the possible entry into legal relations and the consequences of repeated appeal.
6.9.1. In case of repeated appeal of the person who sent the acceptance to the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal , Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, father © Аriye surname © Agmon by father's genus, Mother © Solamit Levekovitz , © Agmon Tal, © AGMON TAL, this Contract shall be considered to be concluded and the person who sent the acceptance shall be considered duly informed. In this case, the Act of Work Performed / Services Rendered (Annex 4) and the Invoice (Annex 3) shall be sent to his/her e-mail.
7. Annexes
7. Annex 1. List of doctors required to pass.
7.1. Annex 2. List of extra services.
7.2. Annex 3. Invoice.
7.3. Annex 4. Act of Work Performed / Services Rendered.
8. Signature of the Living Sovereign Human, Man, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, Beneficiary and Owner of the following persons: © Tal, father © Аriye surname © Agmon by father's genus, Mother © Solamit Levekovitz , © Agmon Tal, © AGMON TAL.
Stamp here
End of document
К настоящему ИЗВЕЩЕНИЮ применяется акцепт под эстоппель/принцип добросовестности/презумпции BAR. Статья 2 Конституции РСФСР, республики, учрежденной в 1937 году, (в составе государства СССР, созданного в 1936 году), Съездом народных депутатов (экстренный съезд) и ставшей суверенным государством Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика, провозглашенным Декларацией о государственном суверенитете 11-12 июня 1990 года, где смыслом статьи 3 является возможность выбора управлять государством непосредственно либо пользуясь услугами законно выбранных представителей, передав им властные полномочия. В связи с утратой доверия к представителям всех ветвей власти, мы отозвали властные полномочия и приступили к непосредственному осуществлению управления по мере возможностей и личного жизненного времени. В управляющих компаниях, коммерческих фирмах, зарегистрированных в реестре юридических лиц: https://upik.de и других коммерческих реестрах юридических лиц, общественных организаций, предлагающих государственные услуги, участники "МАСС" не нуждаются.В случае обращения к участникам "МАСС", отозвавшим властные полномочия у всех структур Российской Федерации, России, РОССИИ, РФ, других названий, без добровольного согласия, без договора , Вы акцептируете Договор публичной оферты, размещенный здесь
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